Monday 19 March 2012

Back at it!

It's been March Break here in Ontario which means time with a couple of grandchildren and not so much time working!  Every summer I take  my grandchildren on summer adventures and they get a photo album at christmas with the pictures and story of what we did.  One grandson spent some one on one time with me this past break and was quite clear about wanting an adventure.

Adventures are pretty limited here this time of year, but I gave it my best shot! We "built" an air plane and created a large crawfish.  We couldn't find any crawfish at the waterfront so needed to adapt.  We discovered a new bike trail and raced screaming down it like fools! 

There was a time when I could exhaust him but now it is he who exhausts me.  I  am fortunate enough that the sun was shining and I could relax in the backyard while he excavated major roadways in the sandbox and practiced falling off his bike on the grass with great excitement.  I am without a doubt, the luckiest person alive to be able to experience this.

Now the break is done and I get the privilage of driving him to school this morning.  Today, I will be back at it, tryng to play with a new computer program to print greeting cards (among other things) and hopefully finish a couple of embroidery hoop wall hangings.  An elephant is in the works and a zebra in the planning stages!

'Till next time, have  a great day!!!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Ramblings About Age

Well, its been several days since I've done anything on this blog.  I initially started it to help promote my work and  to also show others how they can create similar items.  I haven't  proceeded very far with it yet. Age has caught up and overtaken my thoughts lately

The weather is changing for the better, in my limited opinion.  The warm springish weather seems to bring out the best in everyone.  It seems to bring out more happiness in people and better health.  It was an easy winter weather wise but terrible on the health of so many of my peers.  I am 51 years old and most of the time I don't feel it.  Except , perhaps, when I crawl out of takes a while to get the spring in my step.

Two of my friend's  have had heart attacks in the past year and a bit and as if that wasn't enough, one of those two has now been diagnosed with lymphoma.  Another friend was rushedtothe hospital unconcious with a mysterious  illness that doctors have been unable thus far to diagnose.

There have been neighbors and others that aren't as close to me that have also had serious health problems recently as well.

One of my friends recently said she is not afraid of death, just the process.  I'm inclinded to agree. I haven't asked her if she has changed her view now that she has been diagnosed with lymphoma.

Although mentally I still feel like 20, it is a bit of an awakening to my own mortality and health as I age when I hear of so many with serious health  problems.  I believe I will shilft my focus now to more positive things.  I will enjoy every day that I am here and every moment with my family and friends.  I will especially rejoice in my grandchildren!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Starting to Diversify

It's really difficult to stand out as a new business when there is so much competition.  I love what I do and have great faith in my company but it is time to start adding some different items.  I have started offering t-shirts:
Monkey Butz Tee

Sock Monkey Wall Hanging

And now wall hangings!

Monday 5 March 2012


Every monday I try to post a featured item on my Etsy site as well on Facebook. I'm working on an agel monkey for today.  I still have to attach the wings, though!  My two dogs, will give me all the non vocal encouragement they can.  They will also be more than happy to keep wayward squirrels and cats off the front yard by barking at then from their safe perch inside the house.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Welcome to all who enter!

I'm new to blogging so please be patient while the site is under construction! 
I have a shop on Etsy that I hope you will take the time to check out, please click on the link;

I'm happy to answer any questions about my creations and welcome suggestions!
For now, I must get back to creating but will check back with you soon!